Monday, August 25, 2008

Whats new???

Well, I know I have been emailing alot of people, but I wanted to let everyone know what is new with me here in Alaska.
school has started.... yey, about time, however, I have not actually been doing my job for the past 4 days, I have been testing 3 and 4 year olds. it was an experience that is for sure.
tomorrow (Tuesday) I leave for Barrow. However, to get to Barrow from here I must first fly to Fairbanks, so I go from the village to Fairbanks then to Barrow... fun fun
Then I will have training for 3 days in Barrow, for a special education in service, I am guessing this is where they are going to tell me how to do my job. since I really dont know. I have not done anything for special education yet, so I am sure I will find out just what I am supposed to be doing.
Then I leave Barrow on Friday and arrive back in Fairbanks. I am going to stay in Fairbanks Friday, Saturday, Sunday and return to the village on Monday. Kerri, a new hire teacher and new resident to Alaska also is going to meet me in Fairbanks and stay there with me. We are just going to make a weekend of it.
We are going to go shopping at a real walmart, and go out to eat. yey
We are also going to go on a 5 hour bus tour which I think will be awesome, I am sure I will come back with tons of pictures. I would also like to visit the ice museum and see some other things in Fairbanks. Since I have not actually been there yet, I have been in the airport for about an hour.. but thats all.....
So I will be able to enjoy my labor day weekend.

Thats about all that is new with me, I will for sure post about my boring trainings and my plane rides and my weekend in Fairbanks, I will also get some pictures up... so check back often...
love ya

Monday, August 18, 2008

Walk to the lake...

the other day, Kerri and I walked to the Lake, its just a little ways out of town. It was awesome though. The water, the sky, the clouds and the mountains! I took several pics, however, my computer/blogspot is being crappy and not letting me download the pics. i have to say though that the pictures do not do the view justice. It is just amazing. I will try again at a later date to post them.... haha

Other than that I am just getting my classroom ready and preparing for student to arrived on Wednesday. As soon as my classroom is completed, or close to being, done I will get the pictures of my classroom posted. Its small, but nice.

I am going to call tomorrow after noon about my phone, so hopefully I will get that tomorrow of Wednesday also. The watch out.. no one is safe, I will be calling everyone.. haha

I got my first care package today... Thank you mom. She sent me a few things i forgot at home, and some goodies too... haha!

Hope to hear from you all soon, love ya

Friday, August 15, 2008

What were they thinking?

So, I am in a village and it is illegal to have or drink alcohol here. And the school district I work for loves to give us gifts. Which is totally awesome.. But.... One gift they gave up was this bottle opener key chain. I mean, it that just ironic or what. We can not drink here, and I think they are just throwing it our faces... wow, ponder that for awhile. Someone at home will be receiving this keychain as a gift to use while I am gone, and that way it will be used for its purposes....
Let me know what you think about this... LOL
Love ya

Tuesday, August 12, 2008


Here are a few pictures from my apartment... I am sure you can figure out what rooms are what... lol, if you have any questions, just comment...
hope you enjoy them


Hey there everyone,
Well I want you all to know I am settled into my apartment. It is really nice and I have new hire teachers as my neighbors, so that is nice. I will add some pics, maybe later today or tomorrow.....
I wanted to give you all my address though...
Ashley Groves
PO BOX 21146
Anaktuvuk Pass, AK 99721

I expect letters, cards and care packages.... lol

Hope all is well in Illinois, hope the weather is nice.
Everything is great here, weather is super nice, the mountains are beautiful.....
Miss you all
love ya

Saturday, August 9, 2008


Hey I added some pics of my view from the dorm.... i am going to the village today. I will arrive in Anaktuvuk Pass around 3 pm today. then I will be able to add pics of the village and my apartment as soon as I take them. I dont think we will have internet at the village until Monday.

Love ya

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Tomorrow is FRIDAY!!!

Hey there,
I just wanted to post some more pics and tell everyone I am having a GREAT evening. I am just in such a good mood, and today was very nice. The weather is great, and we got back to the dorm early, so that was nice!!!
I am going to just post some more pics I have, and that way you all can see what I see... haha
Hope you enjoy!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

I found this and I love it.... please read and comment

There is tremendous happiness in making others happy, despite our own situations.
Shared grief is half the sorrow, but happiness when shared, is doubled.
If you want to feel rich, just count all the things you have that money can't buy.
'Today is a gift, that is why it is called The Present
Hey there,
Hope you enjoy the photos, I did for get to even say much lately....

I leave for my village on Saturday, I am so excited to get there, however, I just checked the USPS website and I found out that only 4 or my totes are there. So I have clothes and bathroom supplies, so that is great. all of my other stuff is still on its way, I hope it gets there soon. lol

I will keep you updated... have a great one..
love ya

Still liking Alaska

Hey all, I am going to attempt to add some pics to my blog.. wish me luck...
These are some pics I took yesterday of the ice that had moved in on the ocean. This is the shore right across the road from my dorm. It is an amazing site. I hope you enjoy them
Love ya

Sunday, August 3, 2008


Well, I made it to Barrow. I am in Alaska, I arrived around 7pm Alaska time Sunday evening. It is now 10:15pm Alaska time, which is 1:15am Illinois time..... so that will take awhile to get used to... owelll...
Well I am tired and have a long day tomorrow, so just wanted to post to let you know I made it, I will post more tomorrow, and maybe try to get some photos up...
love ya, good night