Tuesday, March 17, 2009

-62 degrees

WOW, who can truly say they spent their Spring Break in -62 degrees weather?  

Well, thats another first I can add to my list.  It is very chilly here today, no no, let me change that, its freakin cold here today.

The temperature is around -31 but with the wind it is -62 degrees.  It is just very hard to get motivated to leave my apartment when there is no where I have to be.  I just want to stay inside and keep warm.  I should go to school and do some school work, but with this chilly weather I am just not motivated.  On Sunday it was so chilly and the wind was blowing so hard against my apartment that my apartment could not stay warm. I woke up to 60 degrees in my apartment, which it usually around 75.  But I just cracked up my electric oven and stayed toasty...  My apartment is much warmer now, without having the oven on.

I hope everyone in Illinois is staying nice and warm.  Enjoy your spring like weather, I am going to enjoy my wind chilly advisory and stay warm within my apartment.  Please dont think I am complaining, I still love love love Alaska, but I just wanted to share how COOL my spring break is.

Here is a great website to check the weather in Anaktuvuk Pass, Alaska.


I believe it has been as low as -80 with the wind, but I did not check the weather day day... I will keep you posted...

Lots of Love from Alaska  :)   STAYING COOL  :)


sheryl said...

OH MY GOSH!!! That is freakn' cold!!! I still think the saying 'Spring Break in Alaska' is very ironic!! :)

Love ya!

AJ ~ said...

let me see if i have this right. is that a minus sign in front of the 6? jiminey cricket!!

Amber M said...

That is fire truckin' cold!!!!!