Thursday, May 21, 2009


I need to make a post and dedicate it to my sister and her husband, Amber and Jason. I am so sorry I misspelled you last name.  I know it is McReaken, but I guess I was typing faster than I was thinking or I was thinking faster than I was typing.  Something like that.

Anyway, I am truly, madly, deeply sorry for the misspelling.

I can not wait to see the McReaken's in 10 DAYS!!!  so very freaking excited.  

Lots of love

1 comment:

Amber M said...

It's fine. I was just playing around. I read it to Jason and told him about it, so he had to have some fun with it and say he doesn't know who the MrCreaken's

it is cool
so excited to see you soon.
miss you, love you