Thursday, January 15, 2009

Care Package from Olney, IL

Yesterday trip to the post office made my day.  I received a care package from friends in IL.  Scoop and Kathy.  They have their own vending company, so they sent me items from what they would put in vending machines.  It was just wonderful.  I think I opened a bag of chips before I even finished looking through the package.  I just cant make myself spend $7 for a bag of chips up here.  so I just go without.  Not anymore.  I have chips, candy, and candy bars to last awhile.

Thank you so much Scoop and Kathy, you really made my day, week, and month.

Lots of love from Alaska.

1 comment:

Cheryl said...

$7 for a bag of chips..that's just not right!